American Risk and Insurance Association


Submission Process

Authors are encouraged to upload their papers to SSRN once they have been submitted to Journal of Risk and Insurance.

Individual American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) membership is required for manuscript submission. The typical membership fee, which includes online subscriptions to Journal of Risk and Insurance and Risk Management and Insurance Review, is $140 US, although some variation exists depending on membership type. An author may upload the paid membership invoice with the submission.

Authors are encouraged to indicate an ORCID identifier upon manuscript submission. ORCID is a nonprofit organization that aims to solve the problem of name ambiguity among researchers. Membership is free and ensures that researchers can be easily and correctly connected to their research activities, outputs, and affiliations. In the future, authors may be required to submit an ORCID identifier when submitting manuscripts.

Submit your manuscript at Wiley’s Journal of Risk and Insurance submission site. Manuscripts submitted to Journal of Risk and Insurance cannot be under consideration at another journal.


  • Upload a single Word or LaTeX document that includes all parts of the research, including text, tables, figures, and references. Even if you expect to have supplementary materials intended as online appendices, please include these in the single document being reviewed when submitting. You will be asked to separate the supplements upon publication.
  • Be certain to submit a completely anonymous file containing no identification indication in its properties.
  • The first page of the manuscript must contain only the title, an abstract of up to 150 words, and keywords.
  • A separate title page that includes the title of the article, authors’ names, affiliations, email addresses, and acknowledgments may be uploaded separately.
  • There is no page limit for manuscript review; however, authors are encouraged to limit their main text and figures to fewer than 45 pages when possible.

The JRI offers a free format submission for a simplified and streamlined submission process.

Prior Review Process

The prior review process invites authors to submit prior reviews and decision letters from manuscripts they previously submitted to top journals in economics, finance, statistics, and business (e.g., American Economic Review, Journal of Finance). The JRI editorial team will consider all of the materials provided for these submissions and decide the extent to which additional reviews are needed before making a decision for JRI.

To submit under the prior review process, please attach a pdf cover letter to your submission:

  1. Indicate that you are providing reviews received elsewhere.
  2. Include all of the correspondence from any prior submission of the paper that you would like considered. This includes all decision letters and all reviews received.
  3. Outline what modifications you have made to the manuscript (if any) since receiving the prior review. Authors do not need to provide a new point-by-point response to the prior reviews but should highlight prior review comments that have been addressed before this submission.
  4. Please attach these materials (prior review materials + explanation of modifications) as additional pages in the pdf cover letter.

Data Policy

JRI has a policy in which authors of accepted papers are expected to post their data and programs, along with sufficient details to permit replication, to the new JRI data repository. Exemptions will be considered in the case of proprietary data. The policy is required for papers submitted July 1, 2023, and beyond; authors whose work is being published in the meantime are strongly encouraged to use the repository. Find more information on the data policy page.

Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to Journal of Risk and Insurance are received by a staff located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. The Editor-in-Chief, along with a team of Senior Editors who represent divergent academic areas, initially screens manuscripts for suitability. Manuscripts passing the initial screen are assigned to a Senior Editor for the selection of reviewers and guidance through the review process.

After a manuscript is reviewed and Senior Editor recommendations are offered, the Editor-in-Chief makes one of the following decisions based on the referee reports and the recommendation of the Senior Editor:

  • Accept
  • Minor Revision
  • Major Revision
  • Reject and Offer Resubmit
  • Reject and Refer
  • Immediate Reject and Send to Transfer Service
  • Reject and Send to Transfer Service
  • Reject – Do Not Transfer

The Editor-in-Chief communicates the decision to the author(s) along with the referee reports.

The entire review process is anonymous. The authorship of papers under consideration is anonymous to the reviewers, and the identities of reviewers are not revealed to the authors.

Conflict of Interest

Senior Editors and the Editor-in-Chief are recused from papers involving:

  •  Current colleagues at the same institution (regardless of department), as well as graduate students at the same institution.
  •  Coauthors of current papers or papers published fewer than 2 years ago.
  •  Untenured students whom they advised.
  •  A family member.

Senior Editors and the Editor-in-Chief must disclose any other close personal or professional relationship, even if not listed here (e.g. coauthor of a current project, former tenured student to whom the Senior Editor or Editor-in-Chief is still close, advisee of the author, etc.) which, in their opinion, creates a conflict.

Papers falling into these categories are handled by the Editor-in-Chief or assigned to another Senior Editor, using appropriate procedures for confidentiality of refereeing.

Papers submitted by a Senior Editor are handled by the Editor-in-Chief or assigned to another Senior Editor. For conflicts involving the Editor-in-Chief, the assistant editor will assign the manuscript randomly to one of the other Senior Editors.

The Conflict of Interest statement is primarily based on the American Economic Association’s policy.

Calls for Papers

JRI has promoted the following Calls for Papers.

Accepted Manuscripts

Abstracts are limited to 150 words. We prefer manuscripts that do not exceed 45 pages. The final version of the main document must be in Word or LaTeX. The software does not support zip files; extract the files and upload them individually.

Tables and figures should have brief but clear and descriptive titles.

Figures should be submitted as separate files at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi to meet standards in the printed version. All figures must be provided in EPS, PDF, TIF, JPG, GIF, or PNG formats, editable, and numbered with Arabic numerals.

Tables may be placed in the main document of the manuscript, either at the end or embedded in the content. Tables should be self-contained, that is, the reader should be able to interpret the table without looking in the text for variable definitions and abbreviations. Definitions of all abbreviations should appear in a table note. The columns should be clearly and descriptively labeled.

Equations should be written using MathType or another equivalent equation editor and should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Equation numbers should be in parentheses and flush with the right margin. Text references to equations should be as follows: “equation (3) indicates . . . ” or “substituting for cs from equation (2) . . .”

Authors are required to upload their code and datasets to the data-sharing repository, JRI Dataverse, before the papers are published to Early View. Please visit the JRI Data Policy for more information.


Communications relating to editorial matters should be sent to

Open Access

OnlineOpen is available to authors of primary research articles who wish to make their article available to non-subscribers on publication, or whose funding agency requires grantees to archive the final version of their article. Access JRI OnlineOpen for more information.